We have compilied a list of the range of help and support available in the local community to help those in need.


Compassionate Community Connection

The Compassionate Communities Scheme is organised by Salisbury City Council and Wessex Community Action to support those residents who are deemed ‘Extremely Clinically Vulnerable’ or needing to isolate, including essential shopping and collecting prescriptions. 

01722 326822 between 9am and 2pm (Monday to Friday). 


Nextdoor website or app

Create an account to join local support networks and keep in touch with your community, to both offer help and ask for help.


NHS Volunteer Responders Scheme

Coordinating the NHS volunteers – matching you with people in the community to chat over the phone, help with shopping, collecting prescriptions and taking to appointments.

0808 196 3646


Useful Webpages - how to access NHS online services - what to do if you’re struggling because of coronavirus (COVID-19)


Wiltshire Council Wellbeing Hub

The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub is available to anyone who is struggling during this difficult time, such as people who are shielding or self-isolating and don’t have a support network around them or know where to get help - 0300 003 4576.  It’s available from 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 10am-4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Wiltshire Council have developed a directory of all the community support groups in Wiltshire. Please see page 14 for Salisbury and South Wiltshire. 

Directory of Community Groups